Dylan Nguyen


Data Engineer @Basware, Finland | AWS Certified Solution Architect and Data Analytics - Specialty | Master of Security and Cloud Computing (Security) @Aalto University

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AWS Certified Solution Architect. Team-oriented data engineer proven in critical projects. Patient problem-solver with ability to leverage cloud solutions and an appreciate for clean code. Adept at data gathering, ETL pipelines, and databases.


Data Engineering Projects

Optimizing Public Transportation With Kafka Streaming

Stack: REST Proxy, Kafka Connect, KSQL, Apache Avro, Faust Python Stream Processing

In this Udacity project, I used Kafka and Kafka ecosystem to stream public transit status using Kafka and the Kafka ecosystem to build a stream processing application that shows the status of trains in real-time.

Evaluate Human Balance with Spark Streaming

Stack: Spark Streaming, Redis, Base64, JSON

In this Udacity project, I produced a stream of data to a Kafka topic and made it available to the STEDI application to consume. This data is used in a new feature for the application which consist of a graph that shows fall risk (will they fall and become injured?) for recent assessments. The development team has built a graph, which is ready to receive risk information from Kafka.

Data Science Projects

COVID-19’s impact to Finland Taxi Industry

Stack: Python, Pandas, Jupyter Notebook, Facebook Prophet

This is my Bachelor Thesis for Data Science Major @Aalto University, where I explored a 14-year dataset of taxi shifts in Finland, in order to trace the impact of COVID-19 pandemics to the taxi industry. Various time series correlation statistics are utilized to estimate the correlation between COVID-19 cases in Finland and taxi revenue data. Furthermore, taxi shift revenue is fitted to a Facebook Prophet model for prediction purpose.

Climate Change Dashboard With Reaktor

Stack: Heroku, Flask, Plotly, Jupyter Notebook, Python

This is a capstone project for Data Science Project (CS-C3250) course @Aalto University. The aim of this project is to build a data visualization dashboard for environmental data, which can be found here, and applying Machine Learning methodologies to explore the correlation relationship between the rising of temperatures and other environmental variables.

SQL University Database

Stack: SQL, SQLiteStudio

This is my Capstone project for Database (CS-A1153) course @Aalto University. The aim of this project is to design a SQL database for an university, which contains information about courses, rooms, room reservations, enrollments, and allows numerous SQL operations on the database.
